Hi! I'm Alejandro, and welcome to my website!

MEIR - Game designer

2D platformer and adventure game. The main character is Meir, a little mouse who is forced to go deep into the forest in search of his mother, who has been kidnapped by a huge bird. As he goes deeper and deeper, he will discover that the stakes go far beyond what happens to him or his family and that the forest itself and all its inhabitants are in great danger.

REAP N' SLAP - Game designer

Reap N' Slap is a game jam game in which I participated as a game designer. In this local multiplayer game you compete against your friend (Or enemy, we arent going to tell you who to play with!) in a battle between heaven and hell, good and evil, life and death, the duality of human nature... (insert epic music here).

SPRING SONG - Narrative & Game designer

This is a prototype with original mechanics and a emotional narrative. In this game you are a little lost bird and you have to learn at the same time as he does. How you learn to do things is up to you.

BROKEN SEAL - Lead designer

For a few months, I actively participated with ZeroUno Games in the development of a vertical slice of a new project known as Broken Seal. During that time, I was in charge of the game design department and the coordination with the rest of the departments.


This is an end-of-master project that I did as a lead designer. We made the prototype in a month with a team of four people (two game designers and two programmers). The idea for this game consists of a combination of a management game and a conversational adventure. The answers and decisions that are made impact the world and can lead to a completely different story.

TRIBES BATTLEFIELD - Narrative designer

Now Known as "Tribal Battlefield", it's a combat and card strategy game developed by "Fanttactic Entertainment". My mission was to give narrative cohesion to the world within the game, its tribes and its more than 100 characters.